Higher Art

When I first began my journey with Higher Art, my aim was simple: fund education. Little did I know that in just three months of diving headfirst into activities like Breakthrough T1D’s Government Day, guiding first-generation college-bound students, and serving as an Attorney in The Houston Municipal Teen Court would forever change my outlook on the world around me. It became clear to me during my final debate at the National Speech and Debate Tournament that tackling societal challenges—be it disease, educational inequality, crippling student debt, poverty, or rising youth crime—demands a unified approach. Why settle for championing one cause when I've witnessed firsthand how these issues intertwine and affect everyone? I refuse to pick favorites.

My art is investing in every cause because every cause impacts you.

With 25% of EVERY sale donated to a linked non-profit addressing community issues detailed in The Experience Blog—where I share my firsthand experiences with these causes—your support becomes a driving force for tangible change.

After all, any education is only as valuable as the world it puts you in.

Of all sad words
of tongue or pen,
the saddest are these:
“It might have been.”

John Greenleaf Whittier

When I graduate and step into the big world, I refuse to contemplate a future filled with thoughts of "what might have been."